I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have been very busy, so I will try to summarize the past week of birding.
December 6th : Maude Roxby Bird Sanctuary -
Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan ( mid-dip pose! )
December 6th also : Rotary Marsh -
House Sparrow ( These birds should be called Common Weaver-Finches, as they are a member of the Weaver-Finch family. They are not even a small amount related to sparrows! )
Fence Pals
Common Weaver-Finch male
Great Blue Heron hunkering down from the bitter-cold wind with a Mallard.
December 7th : Rotary Marsh -
American Dipper ( my first dipper for Rotary Marsh. It called, then proceeded to feed on all of the invisible munchies on the underside of the rocks. It made an effort not to be cooperative; the dipper didn't make eye-contact, was playing hide-and-go-seek, AND it was moving sooooo fast, that it was hard to keep track where he/she was! )
"Now where did that penny go?"
Song Sparrow ( probably my best capture of the species ever! )
Common Merganser - BADLY over-exposed.
American Wigeon BIF = bird in flight
Red-necked Grebe
Ring-billed Gull in very dark lit water.
American Goldfinch
Thank you for looking, and Keep Your Eyes Peeled On This Blog As I Am Going To Be Doing A Blog Post For Each Of The Three Christmas Bird Counts I'm Doing On The Weekend!
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