Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Today, while doing school, my mom said, "Is that a bird?" I swung open the back door, and what is calling, but a Blue Jay! Congratulations Mom!!!

Upon heading outside, I spotted the jay flying across the woodpile at the back of the yard with a large nut in its mouth, and then situated himself in the middle of a short conifer to dissect and eat his nut. After his filling meal, he floated over to a massive evergreen at the left side of the property, and started to imitate such things as Black-billed Magpie and Steller's Jay. After a good while amusingly watching the Blue Jay on my part, the corvid decided I had paid attention to him enough, so he moved to another, but more distant tree, doing his unique "queedle - ee - dee" call all the way.

Numero 80 for the year, and I give all the credit to my mother for hearing, then seeing it!

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